Elective Disciplines EMBA

Model graduating student
Program passport
Mandatory disciplines
Elective Disciplines
Professional internships


Global health and healthcare

Amount of credits -4
Type of control-exam
The discipline examines public health in a global context, which can be defined as an area of study, research and practice that prioritizes improving health and achieving health equity for all people around the world. The discipline forms the ability to analyze the organization system to improve health in the world, reduce inequality and protect against global threats.

Information technology in healthcare

Amount of credits -4
Type of control-exam
The discipline studies the use of information technology in medicine in terms of compiling electronic disease cards, various applications to obtain information about all diseases of the patient. The discipline deepens knowledge about optimization of management of health care institution, forms skills of distance learning of medical workers and exchange of information with patients.

Marketing in healthcare

Amount of credits -5 Type of control-exam
The discipline is aimed at training a specialist with modern economic thinking, owning methods of marketing in health care; forms a high economic culture among undergraduates; develops future specialist skills of entrepreneurial and managerial activities and the ability to solve problems to ensure the competitiveness of goods and services in the field of health care.

Management in Healthcare

Amount of credits -5 Type of control-exam
The main goal of this discipline is to study the ability of modern organizations to use the achievements of the theory and practice of modern management. The subject is aimed at developing effective management skills and the ability to make informed management decisions in the field of managing healthcare organizations. Discipline is formed by knowledge, skills in the theory and practice of management in healthcare.

Statistical methods for data analysis

Amount of credits -4
Type of control-exam
This discipline studies statistical methods of data analysis. Knowledge and skills on use of three major components are formed: methodology of information and analytical work, organizational support of this process and technological and methodological support of development and creation of tools for its conducting.

Management and financial accounting in healthcare

Amount of credits -4
Type of control-exam
The discipline covers the main aspects of management accounting, starting with its place among other accounting and financial disciplines and ending with a detailed presentation of some of the most common in the practice of organizations of the real sector of the economy methods, methods of payment for medical services, the formation of tariffs for medical services for the purposes of management decisions. Introduces the key sections of modern management accounting in health care.

Health Economics

Amount of credits -5
Type of control-exam
Provides formation of knowledge on theoretical bases of modern economy, development of skills their use in implementation of medical activity. It forms students ‘ knowledge about economic and financial laws and relations in specific conditions of provision and consumption of medical services, about objectively limited resource opportunities and increasing needs for health services.

Law in Health

Amount of credits -5 Type of control-exam
Discipline skills to open and conduct a private medical practice, improves the legal consciousness of the students, imparts the legal and medical competence in matters of litigation on medical practice. Discipline forms the ability to identify and apply the rules of various branches of law to the medical field.