Rating of the CIS Universities


AtthefirststageofpreparationforratingoftheCISuniversities in 2013 the rating agency “Expert RA” formed the short list based on Webometrics rating with the names of the best universities of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries (http://raexpert.ru/rankings/vuz).

The sufficient bases for higher education institution inclusion in the short list:if the higher education institution is one of three most highly estimated universities of the country in Webometrics rating or if the higher education institution enters in top-5000 universities of Webometrics rating.

The list of universities included into the short list:

The Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov entered in the short list of the Rating of CIS universities.


  1. KazakhNationalUniversityAlFarabi
  2. Eurasian National University L N Gumilev
  3. KaragandaStateTechnicalUniversity
  4. Karaganda State University Buketov
  5. Kazakh National Medical University Asfendiyarov
  6. KIMEP University
  7. KostanayStatePedagogicalUniversity
  8. UniversityofInternationalBusiness
  9. East Kazakhstan State Technical University D Serikbaev
  10. PavlodarStateUniversity S Toraigyrov
  11. Kazakh National Technical University K I Satpayev
  12. InternationalKazakhTurkishUniversity
  13. PavlodarStatePedagogicalInstitute
  14. SemeyStateMedicalAcademy
  15. RudniyIndustrialInstitute