«Languages of trinity in educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan within update context»



Dear colleagues!

Russian Language Department of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarovarranges an international scientific – practicalconference «Languages ​​of trinity in educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan within update context», whichwill be heldin December3 – 4, 2013.
Thematic sections of the conference:

1. Update problems of profile teaching languages of trinity​​(Kazakh, Russian, English).
2. The use of innovative technologies in the process of teaching Kazakh, Russian, Englishlanguages.
3.Actual problems of language teaching methodology.

4. Educational aspect of teachinglinguistic disciplines.
Requirements for registration:

Texts of reports of no more than 5 pages in Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​should be typed in Word, type 14 «Times New Roman», «Kz Times New Roman» and kept in the format of RTF. Page settings:all margins — 2 cm, paragraph — 5cm, line spacing — single. The printed version must be accompanied by an electronic copy (CD, DVD). In the center — the title of the report should be in capital letters. On the next line — the initials and surname of the author indicating the position, degree, academic rank, below — the name of the institution, city and country. Then the main textfollows. The text of the report should correspond to the theme of the conference, be carefully planned and edited keeping all these requirements. References to scientific sources should be indicated in brackets, in accordance with the list of used literature. Obligatory brief summary in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

The organizing committee reserves the right to select reports for publication in the conference proceedings. Theses that do not meet the requirements and submitted after the deadline will not be viewed and responded.

The cost of publication — 4000 tenge.Theses should be sent to the Organizing Committee till October 31,2013. The information about participation at the conference, necessity of the  hotel reservation, the date of arrival should be informed till October 31, 2013.
Travel, accommodation and food on the expenses of participants of the conference.

Organizing Committee: 151, BogenbaiBatyr str., Almaty,Republic of Kazakhstan, KazNMU.
Tel: 8 (7272) 338 70 90 (inn.7290) 3387090 (ext. 7264) 87017482114

e-mail: [email protected];


1. Surname, name (full) __________________________________________________________
2. Academic degree______________________________________________________________
3.Organization (institution), position________________________________________________
4. Address ( postal code required) __________________________________________________
5 . Phone (with area code ILD ) ____________________________________________________
6. E-mail ( optional) _____________________________________________________________
7. Title of the report_____________________________________________________________
9. Necessary technical means_____________________________________________________
10. The need to reserve a room at the hotel (yes, no) ___________________________________


With best regards, Organizing Committee