Department of Dermatology and Venereology and Aesthetic Medicine


Department of Dermatology and Venereology and Aesthetic Medicine was established in May 2010 at the Center for Continuing Education KazNMU them. S.D. Asfendiyarov. Head of the department is MD, doctor of higher category, PhD, Kabulbekova Assya Alikulovna. She is a member of the Academic Council of the Research Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases of the RK Ministry of Health.

The staff of the department:

1.Ospanovа S.A. — Head. educational and methodical work, PhD, a physician, I category.  S. Ospanovа is a member of the International Guild of Professional infections, sexually transmitted IUSTI.

2. Sartaeva G.S. — Assistant, Doctor, I category.

3. Lukinа, O.М. — Assistant PhD.

With the participation of the faculty of the department held conferences and symposia of the National and the International level (Moscow, Novosibirsk, Warsaw, Paris, Stockholm). Teachers of the department are practitioners engaged in work activities of Fil-taught courses that can significantly increase the level of practical training of students.

The department is located at the bases of the Research Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases MH RK, Representation of the Moscow Institute of dermatology.

The list of high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment of dermatoses and STD, conducted at clinical sites of the Department: pathologic study of the skin, immunogram 1 and 2 levels, cultural studies of species identification ininfectious agent, PCR, ELISA, TPHA, RHS, RIF-diagnostics, trihoskopiya, dermatoskotroscopy, etc. kolpotsistouretroskopiya.

Are innovative treatment techtechnology in combination with basic therapy: one personal modification of light therapy in the cabnot Waldmann 7002K (UVB, UVA, selective, PUVA therapy), physiotherapy (bioptron, indudoktermiya, cryotherapy, intraton, microwave, magnet) and anticytokine therapy.

Educational seminars and practical training in a specialty «dermatocosmetology» conducted in clinical centers of aesthetic medicine «Lanc` e Alen »and« Sheron Cosmetics GIGI ».

Clinical health and beauty centers are equipped with modern equipments cosmetology: cosmetic unit QUADRO, multifunction-regional grain Overline 1010, sets the oxygen-term, micro Bio-Oxygen, ozone therapy, photoepilation, photorejuvenation, system IPL, dermatoskotroscopy. Are the treatment of acne, rosacea, and giperpigmen-orientation of age-related changes of the skin using advanced cosmeceuticals.