The Realization trained politicians graduate KAZAKH National Medical University named S.D.ASFENDIYAROVA for 2010-2012 years


In purpose of the optimization job placement and monitoring quarries graduate of the university since February 28, 2011 order of the rector №  474 l was organized «Service job placement and quarries».

The Primary task to activity of the Service is — an organization and University activity management on professional-оrientation work and assistance job placement graduate.

When sharing and job placement graduate Service job placement and quarries followed:

— a law of the Republic Kazakhstan «About formation» from July 27, 2007;

— a resolution Government Republics Kazakhstan «About approving the Rules of the awarding educational budget» from January 23, 2008 for  58.


The Problem job placement in modern world is the most actual for young specialist.

The Fair vacancy on today- one of the perspective forms of the assistance job placement.

Annually «Fair vacancy» and «Personal distribution graduate » are conducted at April month. In 2010-2011 school years KAZNMU named S.D.ASFENDIYAROVA have finished education 795 including on budget 608 specialists on 9 professions. The Consolidated job placement was given 82 graduates. The Whole portioned 682 (523 on budget) of the specialist, of them employed in Medical — vocational institution 575 (84%).

In given school years  finished 591 graduates-clinical workers  including 64 were given free job placement. Portioned 496 (374 on budget) graduate, of them employed 453(91%) including have entered on education in residency and magistracy 151 graduates.

On public project «With diploma in village!» in 2010-2011 school years was employed in 7 regions Kazakhstan 79 specialists.

In 2011-2012 school years our university has finished education 911 including on budget 819 specialists on 10 professions. The Free job placement was given 132 graduates. The Whole portioned 779 (642 on budget) of the specialist, of them employed in Medical — vocational institution 620 (79%).

In given school years finished 575 graduates- clinical workers  including 88 were given free job placement. Portioned 487 (433 on budget) graduate, of them employed 432(89%) including have entered on education in residency , magistracy and clinical ordinate 158 graduates..

On public project «With diploma in village!» in 2011-2012 school years was employed in 9 regions Kazakhstan 73 specialists.

For decision on a matter job placement graduate and provision by personnel(frames) Medical — vocational institution RK Service job placement and quarries conducts the professional-оrientation actions:

-A Collection of the demands in database about need for medical personnel(frames) from Governing the health  and Medical — vocational institution RK.

-Biannually meeting graduate with representative of the Governing the health  and Medical — vocational institution RK.

-A Feedback with graduate and employer (questionnaire design).

-A Monitoring for execution employer program on social support young specialist (questioning, questionnaire design).

— professional-оrientation functioning amongst freshman, student and intern for arrival in residency on necessary presented by state profession -is Designed and signed 3rd outside Memorandums about cooperation between

Ministry of the health RK, mayors of  city Almaty, Almaty region , ZHambyl region  areas For the reason filling by personnel(frames) of the practical public health, according to demand of the

Governing the health  of city Almaty, Almaty region , ZHambyl region  areas and on dictation Ministry of the health RK in 2012-2013 school years in internship goes preparation a doctor on 5 narrow professions.

In 2010 and 2012 graduate employer were given social packages — lifting on 113000 tenge, 1-2 room and official apartments , interest free credit for 15 years in amount of 16000$ USA, apart for rural terrain — 20% addition to salary, public facilities, ground area.


      The High medical school , Service job placement and quarries