Students Mission of the Kazakh National Medical University

Mission of the Kazakh National Medical University
named after S.D.Asfendiyarov

KazNMU — Innovation Cluster, which prepares highly competitive health care professionals and pharmacies-based on a competence oriented approach with wide attraction of domestic and foreign scientists and constant development of scientific potential.


            Recognized in the international community as a socially responsible leader in the system of medical education, producing competitive and in demand in the labour market specialists to ensure the unity of science, education and practice through the introduction of innovative technologies in all spheres of activities, developing national scientific medical school, preserves and maximizes their traditions.


Student of  Kazakh National Medical University
named after S.D. Asfendiyarov


            Student – patriot of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the high honors — the Anthem, Flag, coat of Arms, the State language is the most important attributes of a sovereign Kazakhstan. He respects and  preserves the glorious traditions and moral values of the previous generations of the University.

            Students of KAZMNU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov — strictly recognizes and respects national priorities, centuries-old spiritual and moral values, performs high demands on the moral and ethical status of citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

            Student consciously believes that inter-ethnic and inter-confessional consent is the basis of our values and unity.

            Student — partner involved  in its commitment to the policy of the University on the path of its occurrence among the leading universities in the world.

            Student remembers that the priorities of the competitiveness of the state is the qualitative level of health, intellect and education of every citizen. Student — carrier and promoter for a healthy mental and physical lifestyle.

            Student is guided by the principles of legality, the requirements of normative legal documents adopted at the University.  Aware of the responsibility for their violation and noncompliance.

            Student is consciously and actively participates in the creative process of the civil self-determination, self-realization, self-improvement and personal growth in professional, intellectual, and cultural and moral development.

            Student remembers that the University professor is  his Teacher, mentor, educator, worthy of deep respect and gratitude. Student observes subordination in relations with the faculty and the University administration.

            Student — disciplined, polite, sociable, comply with generally accepted moral — ethical behavior in public places and at home, self-critical and demanding of himself and his actions.

            Student condemns and actively promotes rejection and confrontation of any corrupt practices, corruption ideology and behavior among the University students and teachers.

            Student in public places must comply with the etiquette, respect the rules of social conduct, to warn and prevent antisocial and unauthorized actions.

            Ethico-moral violations of students discusses in commissions Ethics Board.

            For violation of the Honor Code, regulations, bylaws and regulatory documents, disciplinary measures and administrative penalties (to reprimand, severe reprimand) up to and including expulsion from the University.

I’m _____________________________________, student of the _____ course,

____________________________ faculty acquainted with the Honor Code of student of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov and will comply with all its provisions.

__________________                                                              «___»_____________2015y.

  personal signature



            Honor Code of Student KazNMU named After S.D. Asfendiyarov signed in 2 copies, one copy is kept in the student’s file, and the second is issued for hands.