Student’s ombudsman

KazNMU-is the organ, which controls rights of taken education, learning on internal normative acts, students Ombudsman started their activities from 2008-2009 year, this organization improves their interrelation with other Universities, helps to take experiments, to educate democratic behavior, for participants of educational process, helps to improve legal culture; prepare students, protecting the rights of the students, gives legal upbringing.

Basic project of the Student’s Ombudsman legal upbringing; helps for participants of educational process to prevent infringement of rights and gives legal upbringing; Student’s Ombudsman elected for the period of one year. Candidate may be any of the student.

The basic aim of   Student’s Ombudsman: basic mission may be protecting of rights and interests of young students.

Setting problems:

  • to take students application and to look over
  • to expose infringement of law and to take measures, especially to protect freedom and rights of the students, to give them advice
  • to solve conflict situations
  • to protect interests of the students
  • legal upbringing
  • prophylactic infringement of law

Big task is:

  • to take questionnairing in a hostel, if it has infringement of law to restore justice by the results;
  • in accordance with law RK “About prophylactics and limitation of smoking” in the territory of the University looks after teachers and students, to take photo and take positive results
  • normative legal acts
  • Law about struggle with corruption of RK
  • Code of crime RK
  • Code of administration infringement of law RK;
  • Code of honour
  • Law about language in RK.