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The School of Public Health named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov was created on 23.12.2009 (Order N667 of Rector of  KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov ).

School staff:

Tulebayev K.A.- MD, professor-Director

Turdalieva B.S. — Ph.D., Deputy Director

Kalmahanov S.B.- Ph.D., Head of Research Projects

Izmuhanbetov T.A.- MD,  Senior Specialist

Baysunova G.- manager of International Cooperation

Dauletova D.A.- Methodist

The goal of the School of Public Health named after Kh. Dosmukhamedovis creation of Public Health specialists ofnew generation on the basis of integration of science, education and practice in the field of state policy of the safety and health promotion of the population. SPH is a subdivision and a scientific practical and study base of the KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov.

The Tasks

  • Development and acceptance of the new concept on public health
  • Stage by stage integration of the educational programs of contiguous disciplines in public health
  • Providing of the unity of science, education and practice
  • Providing of the continuity, multilevel character and flexibility of the educational programs in public health


SPH Strategy

  1. Integration of the scientific directions in public health
  • Creation of the Coordination Council on the development of the applied scientific research in public health with the bringing in scientists of KazNMU, Scientific Research Institute, Scientific Centers of Kazakhstan and other countries
  • Active bringing in of master students, PhD students, residents, students to the performance of the complex scientific research works, to the joint work  with the scientists for the development scientific potential  of the university and the country
  • Introduction of the results of the scientific research activity into the educational process on undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
  1. Integration of the educational programs in the field of Public Health
  • Creation of the Working group (study and methodology center) on Public Health
  • Development of the integrative training of master students, PhD students and undergraduate students on key directions of Public health
  • Introduction of the innovative technologies of educating (interactive, competence-based, etc.)
  • Organization of the continuous and multilevel educational process (bachelor, master, MBA, PhD)
  • Development of the partnership with the schools of public health of other countries on the exchange between scientists, lecturers, master students, PhD students, undergraduates.

SPH Main events

SPH annually organizes International Schools on public health issues.

Goal –boost of the level  of preparation of students on urgent topics  of public health  with the use  of modern technologies  by integration into international educational space.


  1. Teaching urgent topics and approaches of public health based on evidence in solving the problems of current healthcare
  2. Cultivation of knowledge in the field of Public Health with the account of acceleration of renovation  of medical information and its globalization
  3. Formation of critical thinking skills and scientific information analysis, usage of new approaches and technologies of public health
  4. Creation of the inter-university space and integration of the best knowledge of the world level


SPH annually organizes International Winter School “Actual issues of Public Health “- for the senior year students of KAZNMU  and other medical universities.


The Second Annual International Winter School “Actual issues of Public health” was devoted to the issues of health promotion and protection of the youth and was carried out  on Jan.24 – 28, 2011 for the medical students of the 4th and 5th years of study of medical universities of the country as well for the “Turan” university  students.

Within realization  of the strategic plan  on integration of the scientific directions and educational programs  in public health , the School of Public Health named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov annually carries out  the International Annual Summer School – “Selected  issues of Public health” for the young scientists, PhD students, master students, teaching staff and practitioners.

SPH  organizes and carries out international seminars on different aspects of public health: “Management in Public health and evidence based  medicine”, “Methodology of scientific research”, “Gerontology”, “Modern hospital management”, “Evidence based medicine” and others with the participation of foreign and national specialists , also SPH actively participates in the realization of theprogram “Visiting professor”


SPH annually carries out international scientific-practical conferences on live issues of public health, particularly on the up to date approaches to the prevention, diagnostics and treatment of the  priority classes of diseases of the population of Kazakhstan, on the issues of the integration of science, education and practice, improvement of the healthcare management system .

School of public health is an executor of  STP “Development of the model  of antiageing in the provision of the active longevityof elderly people“ and “Hospital management”. Integration of the scientific research of the university staff, including faculty of the clinical departments into the activity of the healthcare organizations of the republic is the base of the motivation of the development of the applied scientific research in healthcare. Joint work with healthcare bodies makes a fundament for the activation of scientific research including scientific practical developments being a factor contributing to the growth of the professional qualification of specialists.

     Strategic plan of the realization of the activity of SPH named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov in the future is: organization of the continuous multilevel educational process, training on MBA, establishment of links with the schools of public health of other countries on exchange between scientists, teaching staff, master students, PhD students, and undergraduate students, collaboration with international organizations, implementation of the innovative technologies and evidence based medicine into clinical practice.

Address: 94,Tole –bi St, building n1

Tel.: +7(727)338 70 90, int. 7165, 7168, 7169