List of practical skills


The course,


The discipline Skills
3 gm Propedeutics of Internal Diseases for 2013-2014 academic year
  1. Cardiac auscultation
  2. Auscultation of the lungs
  3. Percussion of liver
  4. Interpretation of analysis
4 gm Internal diseases
  1. Auscultation of the lungs
  2. Cardiac auscultation
  3. ECG interpretation
  4. The interpretation of the analyzes
4 gm Childhood diseases
  1. Percussion of heart
  2. Percussion of lung
  3. Newborn Reflexes
  4. meningeal symptoms
4 gm Obstetrics gynecology
  1. External obstetric research on the measurement of the height of the bottom of the uterus and abdomen Setting
  2. Conduct research on midwifery reception Leopold-Levitsky. Special gynecological examination.
  3. Inspection of the cervix in the mirror and holding vaginal study.
4 gm Surgical diseases
  1. Stop the bleeding
  2. Transport immobilization of limbs
  3. A digital prostate examination
  4. otoscopy
5 gm Fundamentals of endoscopic technologies in surgery
  1. Veress needle insertion at LCE
5 gm Diagnostic algorithm and tactics of pregnant women with perinatal infections
  1. Taking bioassay PCR
5 gm General medical practice
  1. Removal of ECG interpretation and adult patients in the outpatient setting
  2. 2. complete sheet of temporary disability
  3. Treatment of infected soft tissue wounds
  4. smears on the purity of the vagina
  5. Conducting primary patronage newborn
5 gm Ambulance and emergency medical care
  1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  2. Probe gastric lavage
  3. To stop external bleeding
7 interns GPs in obstetrics and gynecology Active management of the Third Stage of Labor
7 interns Emergencies in the GP
  1. Algorithm of emergency in acute urinary retention. Suture removal from the surgical wound; treatment of burn surface, infected wounds; imposition of soft bandages.
  2. Implementation of diagnostic and treatment of pleural puncture; imposition of pressure garment with an open pneumothorax. Methods for cleaning up the upper respiratory tract, aspiration of fluid; tracheotomy, tracheostomy. Palpation of the breast.
  3. Emergency and ambulance emergency prehospital in febrile convulsions. Resuscitation of preterm infants and Apgar score.
  4. Removal of foreign body nose hook. Removal of foreign body pharynx curved forceps. Removal of foreign body perforation of the tympanic membrane (hook).
  5. Algorithm emergency in eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia
7 interns Traumatology and Orthopedics
  1. Puncture the knee
3 STOM Surgical diseases
  1. Stop external bleeding
  2. bandaging
  3. Transport immobilization
  4. Puncture of the pleural cavity
  5. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
6 intern — STOM Emergency state in the dental reception
  1. Emergency care patients in clinical death
  2. Emergency care in anaphylactic shock
  3. Emergency care for acute cardiovascular collapse (syncope, collapse, angina), and hypertensive crisis.
  4. Emergency care for acute respiratory failure (foreign body, bronchial asthma attack).
  5. Emergency medical care in case of poisoning, bleeding.
3 Nursing Obstetrics and Gynecology
  1. External obstetric research on the measurement of the height of the bottom of the uterus and abdomen Setting
  2. Conduct research on midwifery reception Leopold-Levitsky. Special gynecological examination.
  3. Inspection of the cervix in the mirror and holding vaginal study.