KazNMU’s International Reputation


KazNMU’s International Reputation

In the quarterlyissue of the journalQS News2WOWU was published an article about the opening of the world’s first geographically remote office of the WHO for primary health care (PHC) at AsfendiyarovKazNMU.

ActivitiesGeographically remote office ofWHO inPHCprovides coordinationof carewith an emphasis onprimary health carein the53WHO Member Statesin Europe andCentral Asia andwillpromote the reform ofprimary health carein the Republic ofKazakhstanby improvingaccess to health careand strengthenhuman resources andensurethe competitiveness ofexpertsHealthcare of Kazakhstan.

Geographically remote office ofWHO inPHCwill be theregional center ofinternational expertiseandinnovative technologiesto conduct effectiveinvestigations, as well as skills developmentin the health sector, particularly in primary carein Europe andCentral Asia.


Opening of the geographically remote office of the WHO at AsfendiyarovKazNMU

WHO Regional Director for Europe ZsuzsannaJakab, Academician of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ToregeldiSharmanov, Former Minister of Health Care of the Republic of KazakhstanSaledadKayirbekova