KazNMU students’ scientific conference «Болашақ Мәңгілік ел – Қазақстанда Наурыз»


The idea of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.  Nazarbayev «Мәңгілік ел», students of the S. D. Asfendiarov  Kazakh National University Conference was held.

S. D. Asfendiarov Kazakh national medical university  the department of urgent medical first-aid professors (professor Turlanov K.M., MusaevА.Т., Аbildaeva G.А.; associate professors of Ahmetova  G.ZH., Vodnev  V.P., Zarubekova H.Z., NuftievaА.I., NurmakovaМ.А.;assistent. AsanovaК.М., АAmenovА.И., Balkanay G.B., EleusizМ.Е., ЕrdashB.Е., Zhubatkanova  ZH.К., КalhodzhaevaZh.А., Madenov N.N., SarmalaevА.S., Sultanova D.N., TurlanovА.К., ТileuovЕ.Т.,),  students  of groups number 09-003-01, 09-004-01, 09-007-01, 09-006-02  together  with employees of clinic conducted the research and practictical KazNMU students’ conference  «Болашақ Мәңгілік eл, Қазақстанда Наурыз»  in № 6 student dormitory of  KazNMU. Under the supervision of teachers and counsels, students prepared such lectures as: «Мәңгілік ел»(ОrazbaevaМ., KadirbekkiziА., Umirculova G.), «Наурыз» (BaimahanovaZh.).  Although the students of a 09-003-01 group made  presentations about  emerge situationin Kazakh, Russian and English languages. (OrazbaevaМ., ZharkinbekovaА., BaimahanovaZh., Beisebaeva, Prixodchenko O.N, Ualieva S.T). For students -004 09-01 and 09-006-02 group organized a concert (Tampiev D., Aliev D, Bayamanova А., Imadiev А., Ergalykyzy А.).