Information about the educational department of professional languages ​​(EDPL)

Information about the educational department of professional languages ​​(EDPL)
Educational department was created by the order of the rector on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council (Minute № 11 by 05.27.2014) is a subdivision of the RSE «KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov» and acts on the basis of the Charter of the University.
The structure of the department includes:
1. The department of the Kazakh language.
2. The department of the Russian language.
3. The department of Foreign Languages.
4. The department of professional languages.
5. The module of Latin language.The immediate supervisor of the department director is pro-rector, who is in charge of educational work. The department reports to the rector, pro-rector, supervising educational work, pro-rector for continious education and clinical issues, Academic Council. Department realizes its activities in communication:
— with the department of EMW — on the organization of teaching work in the above-mentioned departments;
-deans` offices — on the implementation of educational programs, academic mobility of students, monitoring the quality of the educational process;
— GGS — planning and monitoring the implementation of educational programs, educational support of supervised disciplines. publishing activity of teaching staff.etc
methodical council of the University — on methodological and practical-organizational support of the educational process;
— scientific University committees on improvement of scientific activity. The main objective of the department is management of the educational process aimed at developing professional language competence through the realization of  integration concept  of professional languages and  program of trilingual teaching.
The main tasks of the department:
-coordination of teaching work at the language departments / modules of the department;
-determination of educational model and methodological approaches providing responsibility at students for their attitude to learning and training them for further independent  learning throughout life;
-monitoring the quality of educational programs at the departments / modules of the department;
-coordination of work of educational departments (ED) on the realization of the program of the trilingual education at the departments / modules of the university;
-coordination of ED work on the on supply of educational literature in Kazakh / English at the departments/modules of the university
-coordination of ED work on English speaking teachers at the departments/modules of the university
ED-analysis work on the organization of educational process at the departments / modules within the trilingual education at the English department;
organization of the responsible for professional languages ​​departments on realization the concept of integration of professional language teaching;
-coordination of supply the educational literature and manuals for professional languages on the relevant specialties;
-analysis of the educational process focused on foreign ​​and professional languages at the departments / modules of the university.

Bulygin K.A. was appointed the first director of the department.


At present time  director of the department is  Zhankalova Zulfiya Meyrhanovna — MD, scholarship program «Bolashak», doctor of the highest qualification category, trained in the UCL (London, United Kingdom) and the University Clinic of Ludwig University (Freiburg, Germany).




Contact info 87026043940, [email protected]
At the same time Zulfiya Meyrhanovna heads the department of  professional languages.  Professor Zhanpeys at the same department.


2Ultay Ahmetzhanovna Zhanpeys, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Academician of the IASP
   The name of Ultay Ahmetzhanovna Zhanpeys, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of IASP, headed the department of Russian language of Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical well known to school teachers, methodologists, university teachers and scientists of the country. She trained teaching and research staff, developed content, methods and techniques of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the system of secondary and higher education. Alumna of  KazPI named after Abay remained faithful to this work and her teachers H.A.Bekmuhamedova, N.S.Smirnova, H.A.Adibayev, M.A.Glazman, V.P.Bredihina.
The range of her research interests is broad. She is the author of the textbooks in the Russian language 5,7,10 classes for schools with the Kazakh, Uighur, Uzbek languages of teaching; bilingual thematic dictionaries,which were among the winners of the «Educational Book» through the Fund «Soros-Kazakhstan»; textbooks in Russian language for students of pedagogical and medical schools.
Ultay Ahmetzhanovna was born in January 19, 1955 in the city of Kyzylorda. She graduated with honors from the philological faculty of  KazPI named after Abai in 1976, worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature,researcher of SRI named after Y.Altynsarin.
In 1985 she defended her thesis on teaching Russian language. Since 1987 – headed the chair of methods of teaching Russian language and literature of KazNPU named after Abay. In 1999 she defended her doctoral thesis on the specialty 13.00.02 — Theory and methods of teaching and education (Russian language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education). Since 2001 – headed the chair of the theory and practice of teaching Russian language and literature  of KazNPU named after  Abay. In November 2009 she was elected the head of the department of Russian Language of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education Zhanpeys U.A. has more than 200 scientific works: monographs, textbooks, model programs,manuals,work-outs, educational dictionaries. She trained 26 candidates and 3 doctors of pedagogical sciences, not only for the universities of the republic, but also abroad: South Korea and Germany. For her great contribution to the development of Kazakh linguistics Zhanpeys U.A.awarded the title of «Leading scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan» and the award «Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (2005).

Many textbooks and manuals written by U.A.Zhanpeys became reference books for secondary school teachers and university professors. They are, in particular, «The system works on vocabulary enrichment of the 5-7 classes of pupils of the Kazakh school» (1988), «The lexical aspect of the Russian language teaching in the Kazakh school» (1997), «The methodology of the Russian language in diagrams and tables» (1998),  «Thematic and situational least in the Russian language for schools with Kazakh language» (1998), «The vocabulary of the Russian language in Lingvodidactic  aspect» (2012) and others. In the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan «the Russian-Korean thematic dictionary» (2001) «Russian-Kazakh thematic dictionary» (2011), manuals «Methods of the Russian language teaching in the modules» (2005), «Methods of studying the vocabulary and phraseology of Russian Language» (2006), «Methods of studying morphemics and derivation of the Russian language» (2007) , educational supplies «Russian language -1», «Russian Language-2» (2013) for the first-year students of medical universities of the country have been successfully used.
Professor U.A.Zhanpeys at her 60 age  is full of creative power. Colleagues and many students wish her a long and fruitful work for the benefit of Russian science and education.




3Suleymenova Oran Yahmetovna

In 1971Suleymenova O.Ya. graduated from Almaty Pedagogical Institute of foreign languages (at present it is called KazUIR and IL named after Abylay Khan). From 1974 she has been  working at KazNMU. Teaching experience is 42 years. From 1986 to 1991 she had been working as a deputy dean of the preparatory department for foreign students, from 1991 to 1994 as a dean of the preparatory department for foreign students. She is a member of the Academic Council of the University and the pharmaceutical faculty, German language teachers’ association of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the scientific society at the Institute named after Goethe, Vice-chairman of SSW of the social humanitarian disciplines, the Chairman of the Commission on the students’ entrance examination, mastership and residensy. She was awarded the silver medal of the University and has the title of «Honored worker of KazNMU». And in 2013 she was awarded the Breastplate of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Ibirai Altynsarin.  She participated in the 5th,  6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11st  and 12th  Congress of teachers of German language of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She has 7 certificates of participation in seminar classes for professional skills (Goethe Institute).

In 2004 she  defended a thesis on scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences on the theme: «Development of successive ethno pedagogical ideas in the traditional culture of Kazakh and German peoples» (historical-comparative aspect).

She has more than 92 scientific publications. She developed standard education program  for foreign languages (Almaty, Astana, 1999, 2003), 3 textbooks. She is a co-author of the work programmes of EMCD SOSE 2006.






head of the kazakh language department,

candidate of philological sciences.  assistant


In 1982 she graduated from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai. Total service is 40 years. She  has 25 years of experience.

She is a candidate of philological sciences, associate professor. 3 methodological manual, 3  standard program, 1 short explanatory dictionary were written by her. She also wrote 40 scientific articles report on the use of methodological training in international, Republican and foreign scientific practical conferences.

In 2008 defended the  thesis on the theme «linguistic personality personnel of children’s literature» (B. Sokbayev, М. Gumerov, M. Kabanbayev) at the Institute language education named after Baitursynuly





 head of the department of

Russian language,

Candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor.

She was born in 1971, in Kostanay Jetygare region. Laureate of the State Prize for the young and talented scientists of Kazakhstan in 2002-2005.  From 1996 to 2003 she worked as a teacher of  Russian and world literature in Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. In 2003.  as an  assistant professor of the department of Russian Philology for foreigners in the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. From 2003 to 2005 she had been a member of the dissertation Council at presentation for academic degree of candidate/doctor of Philology, on speciality “Theory of literature. Textual criticism”. In 2011 she was an assistant professor of languages in Kazakh transport and communication academy named after M.Tynyshpayev. From 2011 till present time the official opponent of  master works on theory and methodology of translation department  in KazNU named after Al-Farabi.

She is the author of over 50 scientific articles, 2 monographs, model programme in Russian, Kazakh literature, methodology of teaching Russian language as native. She is a constant participant of international conferences in Kazakhstan and abroad.

Scientific interests are genesis, typology, aesthetics of laugh culture of the Kazakh people, modern technologies of Russian teaching as a foreign language. At present she is working on PhD.


6Tatarenko Tatiana Dmitrievna — senior teacher.

The Latin language is one of the most necessary subjects in training future doctor and pharmacists. The professional   aim of the Latin language at the medical university is traning higly qualified doctors. Students have a possibility to increase their cultural and educational level, to wide their outlook.Innovative technology of holding practical classes or the TBL method is implemented at the module of Latin language, such as «Work in triades on the theme. Greek-Latin terms denoting organs». Teachers of the module take on active part in the international scientific-practical conferences of KazNMU. Annually scientific articles are published in different editions. More than 50 articles were written by the tearches of the module for the last five years.