Mandatory disciplines management

Model graduating student
Program passport
Mandatory disciplines
Elective Disciplines
Professional internships


Cycle of General subjects

High school component

Foreign language

Amount of credits-10
Control Type — Exam
Has communicative and professionally oriented character and its tasks are determined by communicative and cognitive needs of specialists; promotes stimulation of intellectual and emotional development of the personality of the student, his preparation for perception of foreign culture and familiarization with universal values, possession of skills of use of foreign language in oral and written form in the sphere of professional communication

Kazakh (Russian) language

Amount of credits-10
Control Type — Exam
Forms communication skills in Kazakh (Russian) language, improves speech skills, develops creative and intellectual linguistic abilities and ability to solve communicative tasks by linguistic means, analyze the text and use the system of subject and language knowledge for oral and written communication.

Social module-political knowledge (Psychology. Culturology. Sociology and political science)

Social module-political knowledge (Psychology. Culturology. Sociology and political science) Amount of credits-8
Control Type — Exam
Forms a complex of interrelated knowledge in the field of theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology, cultural studies, sociology and political science, develops cultural and value attitude to them, develops the skill of analysis and the ability to assess professional problems, taking into account the psychological, cultural, sociological and political aspects.

Modern history of Kazakhstan

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — State exam
Forms objective historical knowledge about the main stages of the history of modern Kazakhstan; focuses on the problems of formation and development of independent statehood in Kazakhstan, spiritual culture, continuity and continuity of ethnogenesis; defines the essence of the fundamental problems of history, teaches scientific methods of historical knowledge, forms a scientific worldview and civil position.


Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Formation of openness of consciousness, understanding of the national code and self-consciousness, spiritual modernization, competitiveness, realism and pragmatism, independent critical thinking, the cult of knowledge and education, the skill of applying in practice the key ideological concepts of «justice», «dignity» and «freedom», the development and strengthening of the values of tolerance, intercultural dialogue and world culture.

Information and communications technologies (in English. yaz)

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
It is aimed at the integration of the educational process with research activities and the study of the methodology of the use of ICT in the educational process, scientific and industrial activities, providing access to electronic sources of information, the formation of skills of planning and execution of works using ICT, the development of research interest among students prone to scientific activity.

Physical culture

Amount of credits-8 Control Type — Exam
Provides physical training in accordance with international standards of education. Physical culture — a kind of educational process, the specifics of which lies in teaching the student motor skills, improving physical qualities and functional readiness of the body.

Cycle of basic disciplines

High school component

Professional Kazakh (Russian) language

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
It is aimed at ensuring the implementation of the principle of professional orientation of training, the formation of communicative competence necessary for adequate professional communication in the field of activity. Forms the skills of communicative and linguistic competence on the basis of the language of the specialty, improvement of professional training.

Professionally - oriented foreign language

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
It is aimed at development of communicative skills and abilities of search, viewing and introductory reading, possession of written speech for abstracting professionally-oriented texts, as well as further improvement of skills of foreign language professionally-oriented speech; improvement of skills of all forms of professionally-oriented foreign language speech, as well as the development of communicative and intercultural competence of future specialists in the field of Economics.

Economic theory

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
It aims to study the theoretical foundations of the economy, the analysis of objective economic laws at the level of individual economic entities and the national economy as a whole. Forms knowledge about the features of modern economic development of Kazakhstan and the world; the basic provisions of economic theory, national economy, and the history of economic doctrines.


Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Study of the methodology of analysis, evaluation and forecasting of market events at the microeconomic level. Knowledge of microeconomic analysis methods helps to make a choice, to make the most correct management decisions. The course lays the basic competence of microeconomic analysis. The combination of theoretical methods of analysis with practical examples and situations allows you to acquire a special way of thinking and develop economic intuition.


Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Formation of scientific economic Outlook, the ability to analyze and predict economic situations at different levels of behavior of economic entities in a market economy. As well as the formation of the ability to perform certain activities designed to give them a fundamental knowledge of the concepts and categories of economic policy, the laws of the functioning of the market economy and the behavior of its subjects, goals and objectives, directions and methods of state regulation of the economy.

Economic and mathematical methods

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Forms the training necessary for the analysis and modeling of economic processes related to the field of professional activity. Theoretical knowledge of mathematical methods of empirical analysis of economic processes for the purpose of imitation of alternative scenarios of development of the analyzed system is covered; abilities to choose necessary tools of the analysis for justification of administrative decisions and practical skills of substantial interpretation of the received results are formed


Amount of credits-4
Control Type – exam
Forms the development of theoretical knowledge in the field of statistics, the acquisition of skills in the use of methods of obtaining and processing of statistical information, as well as the formation of General cultural and professional competencies. As well as the skills of quantitative and qualitative analysis of information when making management decisions, building economic, financial, organizational and managerial models by adapting them to specific tasks.

Accounting and audit

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Study of General theoretical aspects of accounting and audit: concepts and principles of accounting, qualitative characteristics of accounting information and elements of financial statements, structure and content of the balance sheet, changes occurring in the balance sheet under the influence of business operations, characteristics of accounts and double entry system; documentation and inventory, organization of accounting and audit of assets, liabilities and equity.


Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Formation of students ‘ initial knowledge of marketing, ideas about its importance and necessity, as well as to give future professionals as the theory and practice of marketing, and specific areas and technologies of marketing activities in the industries that produce goods and services.

Business organization

Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Formation of students ‘ systematic, holistic view of the technology of business organization, the development of theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for business organization in the modern economy, evaluation and selection of the best options for socio-economic development and behavior of the enterprise in the market, the justification of a business project and the acquisition of practical skills of using this knowledge.

Marketing management

Amount of credits-4
Control Type — Exam
It is aimed at the formation of students ‘ skills of management decision-making in marketing, marketing strategy development, market situation analysis, risk analysis, analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise to improve the efficiency of the organization.


Amount of credits-5
Control Type — Exam
Familiarization of students with the practical application of fundamental theories, models and methods of financial management on the example of enterprises, companies, corporations. To master certain tools necessary for the analysis, planning and management of investments and financial resources in order to optimize cash flows and increase the value of the enterprise.